An ancient tale tells us of a witch arriving upon an insignificant town, ruled by a King, fair and just. The townsfolk however; were not so respectable towards one another. The witch was displeased with what she saw and threatened the town.
“If you continue to disrespect each other, then I shall curse the water that you drink! Those who drink from the well will go insane!”
The King took notice of this threat and issued commands to preserve water.
Though few took notice of the commandment and continued to disrespect one another… and so the water in the well was cursed.
The first arrogant townsperson drunk from the well, immediately stripped naked, and started dancing, shouting, and cursing throughout the streets.
The truth dawned on the others, but they had to drink to survive!
Many tried to stay away from the water, but eventually the the thirst became unbearable and so they drank from the well. One by one each townsperson undressed and drooled with madness. All seemingly forgetting that the water had caused this obscene behaviour.
Fortunately for the King, he had his own private well, remaining free from the curse. He kept this to himself for months, long after the last townsperson went mad. The King had tried to issue laws but to no-one would listen, so one day decided to walk among his subjects to see what welcome he would receive.
All of the townsfolk looked at him, fully clothed and walking without shouting.
“Our King has gone insane! We must nominate a new one!” They shouted, whilst unsheathing daggers.
The King quickly retreated to his palace and sat in deep thought for hours on end.
“They are mad! Not me! I am still sane!”
He exclaimed, seeking solace in his empty bedroom.
No one replied as all of the King’s friends, council and subjects were now dancing, drooling fools.
“Perhaps I am insane?”
The King questioned himself.
Days went by, although the situation worsened. Rebellion and death threats were made, and the King was panicked and confused. One night, under the cover of darkness the King made his way down to the town well.
The King drank the water!
The following morning the King was still dancing and shouting through the streets naked. The people rejoiced!
“Our King is saved! He has recovered from his insanity!
They claimed.
And because he no longer remembered, he did not argue.