

Welcome to my wellbeing section!

When I first started the WC blog, I wanted to let out my rants and share my stories so that people could relate on a daily basis. I found relatable content to be one of the best methods of discovering myself again.

Since then my blog has evolved many times and I believe it has now found it’s true form, combining stories of travel with life advice.

All of my content is free!

I remember when I started out on the road to recovery. There was so much “help” out there, but it was all for a price. I feel the same way I did back then, in which I don’t wish to prey on those wandering the darkness of depression.

Instead, I just ask for a donation if you find my material helpful. Your donation ensures that my blog remains free to use, advert-free, and enables me to carry on travelling, writing new stories and discovering new knowledge to share with you.

You can subscribe here to keep up with my latest travels and wellbeing articles.

I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for, and please, don’t hesitate to email me with any questions!

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Yung

Understanding Western Society

It’s important to understand the society you have been brought up within, so that you can expand your perception and accelerate personal growth.

Understanding Western Society Article (coming soon)

Wellbeing Articles

Each article is very much connected, but I have separated them to allow quick reads.

Decision Making

Everything in Moderation


Physical Health Articles

Escape & Travel Articles