My Memoirs

My Memoirs

A glimpse into my monumental tales.

Ok, maybe they’re not so monumental. Who can compare to tales of Dracula, Caesar or Frodo Baggins?

But they are my stories. My memories of skills developed, romances, mistakes made and lessons learnt.

There are also a few journal entries of which I ramble about life.

So please do scroll down and check them out. You can see how I travel, how I prepare and how I react to problems, which may help you if you are thinking of travelling or making a life changing decision.

“There's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it."​
Tyrion Lannister

Latest Travel Journal Entries

Eurotrip 2019-2020

Follow my journey from the UK to Australia using limited flights, from start to finish!

*This trip was cancelled just six months in, due to Covid-19, hence the name change.

Latest Rambles

These are my latest thoughts, feelings, opinions and complaints about life. I wanted to share my own confused, inconsequential brain craze for others to relate too… yeah, yeah I know I’m rambling on…