Working for multiple companies, in various industries, such as education, government, financial, I have come to find frustrations and corruption exists everywhere.
This could be as minor as the annoying colleague… to the comparable wild west. Almost all trends are set by senior managers. They set the office vibes and work style. If they are making erratic decisions, then so do their hierarchy below. The ones at the bottom find themselves apologising for not producing results within insane deadlines.
However insulting this is the truth. We work relentlessly for a moderate pay, although our “leaders” are paid a handsome wage, along with their bonus and backhanders from 3rd parties. They drain the company’s coffers for their own pocket.
I’m not asking for communism, but a balanced pay should be enforced. For example, cleaners who keep things clean, and ensure the office is an appropriate place to work – Do they deserve a pittance?
The worst scenario I found myself in was a sub-contract of the government.
The government often have liabilities to fulfil, yet deem it more appropriate (for whatever reason) to outsource to a 3rd Party.
They pay this 3rd Party with our money (accumulated via tax).
The senior managers of the so-called 3rd Party are well aware of this “free money” and exploit the company turning it into a cash cow, milking it of any worth. Of course, they complete their objectives, update their CV and move on to practice their criminal activities elsewhere.
I often compare company hierarchy to that of a watch or clock. The cogs being the general employees and the face being managers.
The cogs are unseen and unappreciated, however, damage a cog which is working consistently, incessantly, then the watch stops.
On the other hand, remove the face or hands. It may not inform you of the time, there may not be any direction, but hey… the watch still works.