London Heatwave

London experienced a heatwave this week, with temperatures soaring to 34°C which is a real rarity. Trust me, I’m not complaining about the heat, although I’m well aware it is a very British thing to do.

Person 1: “cor, hot init”
Person 2: “yeah… Nice though ain’t it.”

So, I’m not complaining about the weather, and I’m not complaining about the British attitude to it, so what is this post about?

Well, how about wasting medical support time. We all know how to pretend to be ill, so we all know when we’re physically ill, including dehydration and overheating.

Furthermore, to the frustration, is the thought of a person endangering himself for another person’s profits.

Firstly, dehydration. How? We have access to clean water almost everywhere in the UK.

Starting the journey, from your own house, on the way to the station, there are almost certainly small supermarkets or corner shops, keeping in mind that there is normally one at the station too. There’s literally no excuse to be that dehydrated that your pass out and become a nuisance to others.

Secondly, overheating. I’m not so great with tight spaces, and so crammed tube trains are not my favourite things, however, I know when I’m going to pass out, therefore, will remove myself from the train to recover before getting on another train.

How can you let yourself get so hot that you require medical attention? Please do not mention the ‘late for work’ excuse. No single person should be putting their health that far on the line for a city job, what are you going to do with your career progression if you melt to death? Use some sense! I deliberately miss trains if they are that stupendously busy and if I’m late… I’m late.

Remember drink water, stay hydrated and don’t push yourself to the point of collapsing for someone else’s financial gain!

1 thought on “London Heatwave”

  1. I absolutely concur with you – anyone Mcnupid enough to dry themselves out like a prune, then THEN climb into an Aga (shaped like a train) deserves a backhand slap in their face.
    But surely this situation was not that common. Was there really multiple occasions where clowns collapsed like Lawrence of Arabia, in the Jordan desert?
    Personally, I was much more pissed off by the constant recorded reminders to people, being belched out of the tannoy systems on the trains themselves, warning us all that we’re so sssstchoopid that we’ll get on a train with only 20% of our bodies being composed of water.
    Otherwise, I was equally pissed off with employers who had to wait four weeks into the heatwave before they decided “You can dress down, this Friday”. And more than that I was pissed off that I was such a weak, lily livered wage slave that I spent much of the sunshine time tapping on a keyboard in a vast room, full of keyboards, all being tapped upon by similarly sad plebeians with different labels, all wasting away their existence away………..tapping on a keyboard.

    That pisses me off far more than the clown who might collapse and delay my daily dose of……………………………………………………………..‘keyboard tapping’.

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