Has Technology Made Me Lazy?

Ask yourself, when was the last time you completed a puzzle or drew a picture? In fact, let me know when you last wrote something with a pen.
We live in a world where technology is available everywhere, which makes things [perhaps too] convenient for us, but is it good for us?
I raise the concern after using a calculator to solve 36000 / 600. Why did I use a calculator for such a piss easy mathematical sum?

Maybe it’s because it’s just simply available. Regardless of the reason, it left me feeling ridiculously stupid afterwards.

Something as simple as drawing a picture, helps me engages the creativity inside and the natural ability all mammals have to solve problems e.g. How can I draw the legs on my zebra?
Going forward, I will make a conscious effort to use the natural brain power I have already over the device in my hand.

2 thoughts on “Has Technology Made Me Lazy?”

  1. Yes it has – It’s your mobile CHIP Stupid!!

    Though I know your pain.

    Every now and then I used to find myself using the tools provided to us….cheaply…to perform the most rudimentary cerebral tasks, reducing my cognitive ability whilst at it.
    And like you I found myself intermittently unable to accomplish basic mental arithmetic, and I lied to myself as my ‘stupid’ quotient took up more space within my arrogant cranium.
    So, a long time ago I decided to test myself at opportune moments – even when absolutely unnecessary.
    For example…when I sat amongst the bewildered herd, crammed in the box cars, on my way to my owners pasture; I’d look around and spend a while pondering the plight of my fellow livestock and their dependency on the ‘CHIPs’ they carry with them all day…..and all night….without interruption.

    As an aside, do you recall back in the day they used to talk about CHIPs being implanted – and all the bright sparks declared they’ll never be so imbecilic as to allow that? No need. The clowns carry their CHIPs everywhere they go. Interrupted ONLY by some intermittent forgetfulness that they flagellate themselves for as soon as they’re reunited with their beloved ‘CHIP’.

    Anyway, I deviate. Back to the subject of deliberately conditioned, and wilful, stupidity…

    OK, Mark Twain has a quote: “If you find yourself agreeing with the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect!”
    And I found myself, as do most of my fellow muddled-man, pulling out my CHIP and tapping away at it, using it to solve whatever issue I had at any time. If I was lonely I’d pull out my CHIP; peruse impersonal emotionless messages sent to whatsthatapp, two-faced book or its-sinister-gram. If I was hungry I’d pull out my CHIP; check vouchers which allow me to purchase nutrient bereft, processed, textured compost…cheap. If I needed directions I’d pull out my CHIP, select one of multiple [tracking] GPS navigation apps. Otherwise I’d black out our benevolent ‘little voice’ by inserting mini speakers in my ears and playing music I’ve heard many many times…..over again.

    Then, I stopped. If I was lonely, I’d call/visit someone. If I was hungry, I’d ponder my craving and satisfy it instead of satiating whichever app was gifted to me. If I needed direction I’d confer with a knowledgeable human being and if I had nothing to do I’d listen to the ‘little voice’, that honestly answers all questions. On top of that, whenever I had a minor arithmetic conundrum, I’d….. take….. the….. time….to practice sparking the required neurons and just like everything else one practices?

    My aptitude for these tasks reverted to an appreciable state.

    Stop using the external CHIP your owners provided…..cheap (for a reason) and use your own built in supercomputer and you’ll find, as we have with white goods, clothes, TV’s etc….that the old devices are significantly superior to the new – just not as shiney.

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