
I often check myself when I’m walking abroad or other chilled countries, as I have the habit of walking at a fast pace when I should be relaxed, soaking up the sun rays and absorbing the sights of a beautiful environment.

It’s an unfortunate habit, however, a useful skill in busy places and I’d rather have to question my speed than be one of those slow walking zombie types.

Honestly, these dawdling, sluggish laggards really do create spikes of anger when moving through crowds. They’re hard enough to get around because of the surrounding traffic, but sometimes there are two of them next to each other, generating a queue of speedy people behind them.

Those of you commute into busy cities and stations will be able to relate, when your point of destination is the other side of the station, it is survival of the fittest. If you don’t squirm and wriggle with ferocious pace through the crowds, you’ll be mowed down by a stampede of city commuters.

Next time you’re walking at your own leisurely pace in rush hour, remember; no lollygagging!

1 thought on “Waddling”

  1. Unfortunately I disagree.
    You, like most, have sold your soul for your forty pieces and as a bona fide wage-slave, suffer the turmoil of having to rush from your quarters to plantation and everywhere in between.
    If you look at happier (and usually poorer) countries, they don’t live that way. They fit responsibilities in line with their existence and not vice versa.
    And those, in your country, that retain their humanity, and have time to ponder their existence, whilst they wander, should be praised as a source of example. Instead they are berated by those who have an objective, but no meaningful direction.
    Respect the dawdlers and get in touch with your own spirit, instead of trying to do as the West have done, and force humanity to become cyborgs dependant on servitude and direction.

    Also, Remember seek all your knowledge from nature, NOT [western] man. And if you do, you’ll find that all the scurrying animals live and die as swiftly as they rush about in life. But the elephant, blue whale, giant turtle…they plod along, enjoying their existence…………………for longer.

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