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Sugar Awareness

I dislike watching/reading the news. It’s depressing and often attempts to divert us from the real truth, although, in doing so it also provides me with content.

As almost all of us are aware of the sugar tax that came into the UK, April 2018. This creates a lot of conversation starters, but in an attempt to keep this short and sweet, I’m just going to highlight the topics, and perhaps I’ll write a more detailed post on each one at a later time.

So what started this tirade?

Recently, in the UK news, they have been informing the public that we eat far too much sugar – no shit. The world is allowed to believe that cereal is a great staple breakfast, even though the cereal AND the milk both contain carbohydrates/sugars which are actually one of the same.

Secondly, why are they only suggesting this now?

Well, it’s a coincidence that a sugar tax (drinks only) was successfully implemented only half a year before, is it not?

As we only buy cheap products these days, the government’s coffers suffer, therefore create new revenues of income – “The new sugar tax on soft drinks has raised £153.8m since it was introduced in April, the government has said.” BBC News.

Thirdly, is the sugar replacement good for you?

Google Aspartame.

Lastly, other than soft drinks providers switching to cancer propellent sweeteners, the public isn’t informed of a healthy alternative. Toast certainly isn’t, again a sugar (carbohydrate), usually with sugar spread on top – unless it’s real butter and local, unprocessed honey – then great.

I could go on, but then I’d bore myself with facts that most people won’t even go and research themselves.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. — Hippocrates, father of medicine, 431 B.C.

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