
The All Meat Diet

Recently I’ve taken up a new diet, which has raised multiple questions from some, skepticism from most, yet appreciation from close friends.

So usually I only speak to or make regular communication with people who are the same mindedness as myself. Many people stay friends, purely because they were the first group of friends they knew – regardless of how venomous they could possibly be. That’s most definitely not me.

So anyway, my close friends understand my reasoning for an all meat, natural diet.

Now low carb diets are nothing new, in fact, the human body actually requires almost zero carbohydrates. That’s because carbohydrates are essentially sugars… therefore great for quick energy boosts, but create brain fog and fatigue if constantly consumed. They’re also addictive… Sound like anything else?


Most people are aware these days that sugar is a drug. We don’t need it, but it does enhance our performance, so great! Except it’s not. It’s everywhere. We eat cereal for breakfast, sugar. We eat a sandwich for lunch, bread = sugar. We eat a substantial combined meal of meat and carbs for dinner, sugar. Not even mentioning the drinks and snacks in between.

I’ve managed to limit my diet to almost one substantial meal a day. Of course meat based and you know what? Meat actually fills you up and you remain content. I’ve also gone a little more natural. I eat raw eggs if I am feeling hungry. I cook my grass-fed beef as little as possible, though I would eat it raw, I don’t know how long it has been sitting around in the butchers and I buy free-range British chicken eggs. I haven’t yet moved onto raw milk, mainly because I don’t know where to find it. I’ve also bought the most natural promised honey I can find too.

I feel fantastic.

I actually moved onto this diet shortly after starting my blog. I remember I would struggle for things to write. Now I open my laptop and I type. I review. I publish. I have a mental clearness now, that I haven’t felt in… perhaps ever now that I think about it.

*Thanks to Victor Pride at Bold & Determined for sharing his knowledge on all-natural diets – https://boldanddetermined.com/

2 thoughts on “The All Meat Diet”

  1. The all meat diet is fantastic because you never feel bloated. Instead you feel light and free, physically and mentally.

    I see you’re also going OMAD. Definitely boosts the positive effects of the meat eater diet.

    1. Hey Rich, thanks for the comment! I unintentionally went OMAD. I actually just feel less hungry all the time now!

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