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The WC Blog is Red!

Yes, it is. The Water Closet Blog is Red.


To signify greatness is extremely close. As The Water Closet Podcast in production at the moment, the site will remain red until go live.

A majority of historical and present organisations have been successful with the colour red and so I will take the stance of a powerful red to motivate my desires.

The Roman Empire, the British Empire, Soviet Russia, numerous other national flags, Manchester United, Arsenal, Ferrari, Superman, Iron-Man, Spider-Man, Marvel’s Thor, Mars, Catholic Cardinals, Red Bull, Netflix, Youtube… the list goes on and on. Apologies if I have missed your favourite red reference, please do share in the comments below.

Although some wearing red, may not have been the most ethical, they were or are still powerhouses. In my view, red is the colour of power and often accompanies success.

Let me also share with you the best definition of success I have ever heard:

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
The Strangest Secret – Earl Nightingale


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