As I continue my education of love, life, and the entropy of the world, the more positive I become.
L – is for the way you look at me
O – is for the only one I see
V – is very, very… extraordinary
E – is even more than anyone that you adore can
LOVE is all that I can
Give to you
LOVE is more than just a game for twoooo!
– Nat King Cole
I was walking to a friend’s house over the weekend and on the way, I encountered a blind man. I moved to the side and smiled to suggest his right of way.
I smiled.
To a blind man.
At this point, I grinned to myself. Though in that split second the blind man smiled back!
He smiled back and walked right on past!
This could just be a coincidence. This blind man could be particularly friendly and smile at everyone he senses as he passes them by. It could also, however, be a mystical force of positive energy connecting.
Either way, I’m still living the moment seven days later. A smile from a blind stranger.