I often look back to my childhood to remember, to reminisce, to find a conclusion as to why or when I was happy. The happiest moments I remember were being around a campfire or riding my bike along the river, over bridges, feeling the breeze rush past me and stopping to eat blackberries. I now have the flexibility and opportunity to do those things again, but it just seems so… fatiguing. Why?
In fact, almost everything I remember as a happy moment happened outside. Even as a young twelve-year-old, I would ride around with my friends collecting shopping trolleys, that people had left lying around with £1 coins still in the trolley return device.
The most vivid memories are, however, stocking up on picnic-style food with my best pals, Daniel, Aiden and Charlie at the time, and riding around the reserve nearby, playing run-outs through fields of corn, throwing it at each other and eating blackberries straight off the bushes.

Yes, I once wrote like a complete retard, but believe it or not, this was the slang and cool way of writing back in the day.
And yes I threw my bike in the lake, which I fully understand now is a stupid, irresponsible thing to do.
I was a teenager. I was having fun. Providing a final resting place and watching my old trusty bike fall from a high bridge and create a huge splash in the lake was exhilarating.
Going home to a Sunday roast with my family; my mum, my dad, my grandad, my sisters, and occasionally my auntie and cousin was a warm ending to the day’s mishaps and shenanigans.
Even if I didn’t understand that at the time.
But times change.
My best pals became interested in girls and getting drunk, way sooner than I became interested. I wanted to joke and hang outside, causing innocent trouble forever.
Girls had never been interested in me in school, and I hadn’t really been interested in them. I only ever asked one girl out and I was unsuccessful, to say the least.
I hated school as a child. From the beginning to the end.
I remember going to work for the first time. It was shortly after that Facebook post actually, as I started working at sixteen.
I enjoyed that first job. There were less than thirty people working there, maybe even less than twenty.
However, I’m moving on into my adolescent lifetime and I should return to the point.
I enjoyed an open fire the other night. I fixed the bicycle to go for a ride. I am working with horses, yet something still isn’t quite right.
Maybe it’s because I’m still not fully managing my own time. Maybe it’s just adulting life. Perhaps I am still looking too far ahead, instead of really focusing on the current situation, or the responsibility I now understand as an adult human. I really don’t know. It could even be a change in diet again.
I’m not sure if I’m trying to run away from this missing thing, or if I’m trying to find it.
Thanks to the algorithm, I accidentally found a YouTube video the other day, which really hit home on the city vibes I was experiencing and I believe he has become another role model for me to inspire to, based on a few of his other videos.
If anyone has any thoughts, please do share in the comments!
Hey Nephew you still in Germany or back in spain?
Wow reading your blog you really are reminiscing which is a good thing.
Life is always a challenge it’s how you deal with each hurdle which makes you stronger. What you are doing now is a great experience and so courageous out on your own but it does sound like you are meeting lots of people…including the ladies 😉
We are missing you here at home though . Keep safe and keep blogging. Much love xxx
I’m still in Germany, working with horses! I’ll send you a short video. I’ll likely move on to a ski resort in December!
Haha, Yeah thanks, I’ve met some great people, but sometimes, it’s like, what is the point? But anyway, I went to the forest and relaxed my mind in the presence of nature. The trees know things and I’ve been neglecting the availability of the Bavarian forests.