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Returning Home: Post Review

It’s been two weeks since I returned to the UK. Slowly everything is being placed under a stricter quarantine to “protect” the people. I don’t really know how to take the whole thing really.

I can actually update this now, as the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson announced this evening that almost everything should be closed tomorrow.

If I only watched mainstream media, I’d be in a completely different mindset during this time of “peril”.

Fortunately, I don’t just watch the mainstream media and there are many strange anomalies with this “outbreak”.

Of course, we don’t deal with outbreaks very often, other than the common cold each year – and I’m certainly no bacteriology expert or CDC scientist – so really, who the fuck does know?

Though it does seem to benefit certain parties in the world, who is benefiting more?

Maybe it’s the common people being targetted, to practice a social doctrine, testing the boundaries of free will, or perhaps it’s the corporations to bring around a new era of socialism.

Or perhaps it really is just a virus contracted from a bat in a Chinese food market, which has infected the entire world and only affects people for two weeks, killing the weak and elderly.

The bottom line is I don’t know, and so I fall in line with social expectations standing two metres apart whilst I queue for my mum’s medical prescription.

It’s a funny thing. Perspective. Ten years ago, these would be treasured times. No school and Playstation all day every day. Occasionally going for a bike ride with friends.

I saw the same today. Youngsters riding with their friends. I was riding too, alone of course, as society demands.

I decided I needed some exercise and whilst the country isn’t in complete lockdown yet, like Italy and Spain, I decided to spend the time available outside.

Although a little windy, the skies were an incredibly clear blue and the sun was shining.

I rode out to the nearby regional park on my bicycle listening to my downloaded playlist “Swagger”.

And I stopped halfway to lie in the sun, eat a Kit-Kat and read a book recommended by my Dad.

It’s called Identity Crisis, written by Ben Elton, and it’s actually pretty clever and funny. He mocks real-life scenarios and society through his invented characters.

Actually, the last chapter I read was about a company that builds algorithms to turn the public’s votes in any desired direction.

Or to cause an upstir on social media for a capital gain.

Alas, I’m not actually complaining though, as much as it may seem like I am. I appreciate the “free” roof over my head and the availability of food… and toilet paper.

There is still a real catastrophe of starvation which kills thousands every day.

So I remind myself of my safe position and the opportunity to utilise this time to learn something online – I just don’t know what right now.

I feel like financial training will just teach me immoral acts of making money.

I also have no care for an office job.

So that’s something I need to think on…

Anyway hakuna matata, I hope all is well and until next time, stay safe!

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