
5G Dangers

So I started writing a blog post last week, but I had to put it on hold, due to some recent news. 5G (5th Generation) is now being rolled out, in London.

So everything’s going to be super fast, we’ll be able to facetime and facebook message and scroll though memes so much faster!?


This is not the case. There’s actually no real improvement, yes it is faster, but we’ll go into the science later to discover why there’s no real improvement and regardless of so, how much faster do we really need internet on our mobile devices?

What there are, however, are a fair few cons.

Serious Health Concerns

Now we all know, or should by now that radio frequencies (RF) increase the chance of cancer as we know it. Mutilation of body cells. I mean we’ve had the technology around 150 years now. If you’re only just discovering this, I will put a diagram below, to help understand the electromagnetic spectrum. RF waves are based on microwave technology – they are one of the same, just a lower frequency.

“For optimal mobile device performance and to be sure that human exposer to RF energy does not exceed the FCC, IC, and European Union guidelines, always follow these instructions and precautions: When on a call using the built-in audio receiver in iPhone, hold iPhone with the dock connector pointed down toward your shoulder to increase separation from the antenna. When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 mm (5/8 inch) away from the body, and only use carrying cases , belt clips, or holders that do not have metal parts and that maintain at least 15 mm (5/8″) separation between iPhone and the body.”
Apple Inc.

Your average home Wi-Fi router will usually have two frequency strengths, 5GHz, and 2.4GHz, and your average microwave uses 2.45GHz to cook your food. So scrambled brains for breakfast then. Well not quite, because as mentioned before, RF are a lower frequency than microwaves. 5G runs at 60GHz, over ten times your average wifi strength, with intentions to increase the strength to 90GHz – This point is important for further down this post.

So we’ve established a little science behind 5G. The higher the frequency the more dangerous the waves are to living organisms.

5G speed will obviously be faster. It has to be for our owners’ ultimate weapon – consumerism. However, to increase speed, they’ve had to increase the strength of the frequency, as mentioned above. Removing the fact that the higher the GHz the more dangerous it is, the wave needs to be short to be so powerful, meaning it doesn’t reach very far. When I say not very far, we would need one of these 5G emitters, or cancer towers on about every 3rd house down your street. Now, the human body is a marvel. The adaption skillset is incredible, but what about the little guys?

Well, it has been scientifically stated that our new technology kills bees. What? No more honey?

Maybe… no more Earth. No pollination, no plants, no plants, dirty air. Extinction.

But hey, maybe you don’t believe the health risks. Maybe the following “conspiracy” will catch your attention… or maybe not. I’d say if you’re still reading, you’re one of the more intelligent ones, so without further ado, lets press on.



The algorithm, other than Mother Nature is already the most powerful thing on the Earth. We’re already manipulated by “personalised” advertisements. 5G is a whole new ball game.

5G has been created with a machine’s requirements/needs in mind, offering low-latency, high-efficiency data transfer. When we think of machines taking over the world, it’s Skynet and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Though I can assure you, we already live in a fake world. The reality is right in front of us. The minimal needs to survive and reproduce/procreate are there, screaming at us. The Earth is screaming at us with rising heat levels. Now humans have only recorded temperates for the last couple thousand years, and yet we predict the Earth to be 4.5 billion years old… so how we can truly know it’s “global warming”, well we don’t. We have been told the Earth’s temperature has increased substantially in a short amount of time – not that I’ve noticed my summers being any hotter to 20 years ago. Anyway, that’s by the by. There is evidence of the poles melting and although humans could just stop producing man-made goods live as tribes once more, taking what they need, rather than what they want, we are self-righteous and Gods among the animal kingdom so it’s OUR responsibility to decide everything for our shared planet. Pfft.

Oh, but I forgot the money. We need that don’t we. So yeah, that’s why we need to be in charge of the planet’s eco-system. If we no longer believed “money/cash” had value, it would cease to exist. It’s simply a belief, fake mockery and perversion of true commodities.

So, on from the money. Who looks after our country to ensure we are profitable? The Army of course. This is important and relates back to the 90GHz I mentioned earlier on.
Many people don’t realise the technology that our military powers have in their arsenal. One such technology emits radio waves – at 95GHz – to cause fatigue, apathy, hearing loss, confusion, and disorientation, demotivating enemy forces.

So next time you don’t want that dirty block of flats, nuclear plant or eco-destroying factory being built on your doorstep, you’ll find you won’t have much desire to fight against it.

Together with the algorithm and 5G in place, we are TRULY saying goodbye to freedom. Saying that – you’ll still be able to choose what takeaway you eat or dress you wear that evening, so all cool right?

Conclusion & What Can You Do?

“To find yourself, think for yourself.”
– Socrates

Thankfully I built a career within technology, building infrastructure and systems for businesses to be more robust/flexible, therefore, it’s difficult to label me a “luddite” or “technophobe” in an attempt to sabotage truthful writings. Not all technology is bad. The communication element and medical research is fantastic if used sparingly.

What can you do to prevent 5G?

  • Learn more. Educate yourself about the wireless industry and the global government support of this insanity.
  • Stop using convenience as a good excuse to be lazy.
  • Do not live near a cell tower or mini station.
  • Purchase an EMF shield, and continue to measure the levels of radiation within 100 feet of your home.
  • Eat healthily and take immune-boosting supplements.
  • Spend more time around trees/forests.
  • Refrain from using your cell phone for long periods, including never keeping your cell phone in your bedroom.
  • When traveling with your cell phone, store it in an EMF protective bag.
  • Love every living thing. Do not be seduced by fear and continue to improve your vibration through positive thinking, forgiveness, and increased attention toward your mental, emotional and physical health.

Many scientists and doctors are making a stand against 5G, but they are fighting unlimited money. So they will lose if we don’t boycott the 5G rollout.

4 thoughts on “5G Dangers”

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