WC Blog

Leipzig to Årrenjarka

Out of two options, Costa Rica or Northern Sweden I chose Sweden. I suspect most people would think I’m mad. Let me explain my reasons why I chose this freezing cold, windy, mosquito ridden, bear roaming part of the world and how I got here.

House Sitting in Leipzig

In my previous post, albeit short, I mentioned escaping the UK once again. Laura gave me sanction whilst I looked for working opportunities. I found a cool urban garden in the heart of Leipzig, Germany. The hosts needed someone to house-sit whilst they took their annual two-week vacation… and they were also harvesting honey soon… My path was therefore laid out before me.

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The Wrong Boat

I find myself being drawn into a belief of God. There must be someone out there with a plan. Right? Maybe I’m just looking for someone to lead me… though is it that such a bad thing? I’ve listened to so many entrepreneurs say YOU MUST TAKE ACTION, no-one else. But didn’t every great leader …

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